Latest by Wayne Dicks
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Wayne was born and raised in Western Newfoundland, Canada. His mother emigrated from England after World War II and brought with her a profound understanding of the need to respect and conserve all resources in her care. Wayne grew up composting, reusing and recycling long before these concepts became widely known in Newfoundland, thanks to the skills and learning passed down from his mother. After meeting his wife at age 19, Wayne spent most of his free time in the woods tagging along with his father-in-law, who was an avid woodsman. Walking for miles in untouched forests to fish in crystal ponds or hike past roaring waterfalls, it was through these experiences that Wayne developed his deep appreciate for nature and wildlife.
Working for the Department of Foreign Affairs in Canada, Wayne spent much of his career traveling the world, where he benefited from the opportunity to learn from other cultures and experience the diversity of landscapes and natural resources that pepper our globe. Now retired, Wayne is delighted to be back in Western Newfoundland, where he is connecting with his roots and now teaching his children and grandchildren the joys of hunting, fishing and being in nature.